Game Viewing

Siduli Hide

Siduli Hide

In Victoria Falls

Don’t miss

Activity Description

Designed to appear like a termite mound, the ‘Siduli Hide’ is located on the edge of the waterhole offering a unique opportunity for a Wildlife Viewing Experience up close!

A qualified Professional Guide escorts guests on a short walk (5 minutes) from the Victoria Falls Safari Lodge to the hide. Once safely hidden within, guests wait!

A variety of mammal, reptile and bird species visit the waterhole to quench their thirst or to sample minerals at the nearby salt-lick.


Duration Approximately 2 hours.
When All year round
Where Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe
Weather Weather permitting
What to Wear Comfortable attire that provides sun protection. · Hiking/running shoes · Warm clothing in winter (April to August)
Things to Bring Clients are advised to bring the following with: · Sunscreen · Mosquito repellent · Hiking/running shoes
Guests or Spectators No spectators allowed


Please note: Due to seasonal changes and the fact that this is an authentic wild experience, we cannot guarantee wildlife sightings. However, in drier seasons, there are more chances of having some very good close up encounters!

Guests must be able to sit quietly for long periods of time and should not suffer from claustrophobia! Due to the possibility of close interactions with wildlife, this experience is not for the faint-hearted! This activity is ideal for photographers, small groups and wildlife enthusiasts, who are after a “non-commercial” experience.


$ 55 Per Person
  • Wildlife Viewing Siduli Hide



Ages No children under 16 years (unless special permission granted)
Minimum: 2 pax, Maximum – 6 pax. No children under 16 years (unless special permission granted)
Fitness Level No Fitness Requirement
Experience Level No Experience Requirement


* Exclusions

Items of a personal nature



AM tea/coffee at Victoria Falls Safari Lodge prior to departure for the hide, PM Soft drinks, mineral water and a limited amount of beer (as a sober state is imperative due to close wildlife interactions).


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184 Mayfield St. Hopewell
Junction, NY 12533

