Victoria Falls

Meet The People

Meet The People

In Victoria Falls

Don’t miss

Activity Description

Clients are taken to an authentic rural village approximately 20km from Victoria Falls town where they are given the opportunity to watch local villagers going about their daily tasks.

The tour enables the client to see rural life first hand; visiting rural homes, watching their fields being tended and possibly getting the chance to help in some of the day-to-day chores. Meet the village chief and learn about the way of life from him.


Duration 3 hours
When All year round
Where Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe
Weather Weather permitting
What to Wear Clients are advised to bring the following with: · Comfortable attire that provides sun protection. · Hiking/running shoes · Warm clothing in winter (April to August) .
Things to Bring Clients are advised to bring the following with: · Sunscreen · Mosquito repellent · Hiking/running shoes
Guests or Spectators No spectators allowed


Guests are able to gain an insight into Zimbabwean rural life. This enables visitors to understand the cultural aspect of this life style and allows them to interact with different cultures, often for the first time.
This is a good experience for children.


$ 70 Per Person
  • Village Tour (Meet the People)



Ages all ages allowed
Maximum Weight 0.0kg
Fitness Level No Fitness Requirement
Experience Level No Experience Requirement


* Exclusions

Items of a personal nature



Transfers Included.


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184 Mayfield St. Hopewell
Junction, NY 12533

